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iKörkort on social media

If you like iKörkort.nu we would really appreciate it if you follow us on Facebook and use the tag #iKörkort on Instagram. If the website has helped you get your driver's licence we would also really appreciate it if you would tell your friends about it!

Send us feedback

We are constantly working to improve the website and are grateful for any feedback and suggestions. Whether you have found a spelling error, have a suggestion for new functionality or got a tricky question on the real test that you did not recognize from iKörkort, we would love to hear what you have to say.

The easiest way to contact us is at [email protected] (we always try to respond immediately!)

Follow iKörkort on Facebook

If you are a fan of social media you can follow iKörkort on Facebook. We already have over 35,000 followers and post almost daily!

Follow on www.facebook.com/ikorkort

Tag #iKörkort on Instagram

We would also really appreciate it if you included the tag #iKörkort if you post anything on Instagram related to your study or to your driver's licence.

Tell your friends about iKörkort

The best possible advertisement for iKörkort is satisfied users who tell their friends about it, so please tell any friends who are about to get their driver's licence about our website. Thank you!