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Common theory questions

What emissions contribute most to the greenhouse effect and global warming?

Emissions of carbon dioxide contribute most to the greenhouse effect and global warming. When fossil fuels are combusted a surplus of carbon dioxide is released, which contributes to the greenhouse effect.

The greenhouse effect

p>Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere that consists of several different gases. Some of these gases, including water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, are so-called greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases have properties that prevent heat radiation from leaving our planet. This phenomenon is called the greenhouse effect and is necessary for all life on Earth. Without this protective atmosphere of gases, Earth would be about 30 degrees Celsius colder than it is today.

However, when the level of atmospheric greenhouse gases increases (for example, through carbon dioxide emissions), the greenhouse effect is strengthened. This causes global temperatures to rise, which in turn leads to the melting of polar ice caps, ozone depletion (making the ozone hole larger), animal species being eradicated and an increase in the occurrence of natural disasters.