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Common theory questions

What is a cycle crossing?

A cycle crossing is a kind of "pedestrian crossing" for cyclists and moped riders.

Unsupervised cycle crossings

When you are about to cross an unsupervised cycle crossing you have a duty to give way to cyclists and moped riders who are on or about to enter the cycle crossing.

Supervised cycle crossings

When driving on a straight road and approaching a supervised cycle crossing you must obey traffic signals. However, you must also allow cyclists and moped riders, who have correctly entered the cycle crossing, to cross in peace and quiet. This is the case even if you have a green light.

When you are about to cross a supervised cycle crossing in connection with a turn, you should drive at a low speed and give way to cyclists and moped riders who have correctly entered or are about to enter the cycle crossing. This is the case even if you have a green light.